SciLMil European Project
Blanca Puig and Inés Martínez Pena (postdoc) are in Innsbruck, in the first face-to-face meeting of the European SciLMil project.
Blanca Puig and Inés Martínez Pena (postdoc) are in Innsbruck, in the first face-to-face meeting of the European SciLMil project.
A new issue of the journal “Didáctica de las Ciencias Experimentales y Sociales” has recently been published on experiences and research related to the didactics of Experimental and Social Sciences. Belén Castro Fernández and Julia Feijóo Outumuro, colleagues in the area of Social Sciences Didactics, have published an article entitled “El mar en Galicia: Aproximación … Read more
On October 20, Professor Blanca Puig, from the Experimental Sciences Didactics area, will develop the activity “Dende as candorcas ata a vida mariña en suspensión. Promoting Oceanic Culture” in the framework of environmental education workshops, organized by CEMMA.