Publication of article in SCOPUS

The article “Not by Design Alone! Modelling Practices to Identify Students’ Frameworks of Evolution in Real-Life Contexts” related to research in the area of Didactics of Experimental Sciences has recently been published in the SCOPUS journal. It is a Special Issue on Evolution, whose authors are Noa Ageitos (professor of Biology, collaborator of RODA), Laura Colucci-Gray (researcher in Science Education at the University of Edinburgh) and Blanca Puig (professor at the USC and researcher of the RODA group).

The article deals with how students learn the theory of evolution through scientific modeling in a real context, based on a study developed in the thesis of Noa Ageitos on this topic in a high school classroom.

What is remarkable about this research work, published in the journal, is the result of collaborative work with a researcher from outside Spain, from the University of Edinburgh, with whom Noa and Blanca have been working together for more than six years.