
Didactics of Experimental Sciences

Teaching resources

Activities to work on the use of evidence and argumentation in science

These materials are intended to provide resources for secondary school teachers interested in carrying out teaching in which students play an active role, to turn science classes into learning communities.

Argumentation in the classroom: two didactic units

This document presents two teaching units: that of gene expression is part of the products of S-TEAM’s Work Package 7 (WP7), which aim to provide resources and strategies to help teachers create learning environments to promote argumentation. and discursive practices in science.

Activities to develop the epistemic knowledge involved in scientific practices in secondary education

Design Based Pedagogy Book

Chapter 4 of this book presents some keys to designing STEM tasks in which critical thinking is integrated. Teachers interested in promoting critical thinking in their classrooms through STEM activities, can access in this chapter STEM designs aimed at the development of prototypes / artifacts by students. Designs require students to mobilize critical thinking skills and scientific practices.

Didactic material for addressing health controversies

It shows a didactic proposal on COVID-19 vaccines and the controversy they generate, which includes didactic materials designed to address health controversies in the secondary school classroom. These resources were created to facilitate the teaching of Biology and Geology in secondary school according to the new curriculum model.

Didactic material for approaching the marine environment

A didactic proposal on marine life is shown, which includes six activities to learn about and protect the sea. These resources were created to work on systemic problems related to the marine environment in secondary education.

Biology and Geology at LOMLOE

An analysis and reflection on the new Secondary Biology and Geology curriculum model is shown.

Biology and Geology teaching in the curricula of the Autonomous Communities

This paper tries to answer the question ¿Cómo se presenta la enseñanza de Biología y Geología en los currículos de las Comunidades Autonómicas?. It discusses some ideas about how the basic elements of the regional curricula are articulated and to what extent they enable an approach to teaching the subject of Biology and Geology that enables students to develop scientific thinking for the exercise of a critical and active citizenship in response to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) 2030.

Thinking scientifically

This book brings together a series of didactic proposals with innovative resources and original activities on socio-scientific problems to promote scientific reasoning and systemic thinking in the science classroom. Its aim is to contribute to the improvement of science teaching and learning in contexts related to planetary health that require urgent collective and institutional measures, as well as our individual commitment and critical action.

Didactics of Social Sciences

Teaching resources

Didactics of Language and Literature

Teaching resources

Ideas for a multilingualism from Galician in the municipality of Ames

Evaluation of the bilingual competence in Galician and Spanish languages of 4th grade ESO students.

AX(e)ITAR A LINGUA: Orientations for an inclusive communication in education.

Didactics of Mathematics

Teaching resources