An article of two researchers of the GI-RODA, distinguished as a notable article for the teachers practice’ by two associations from the USA, the NSTA and NARST

A scientific article of the researchers of the USC Sabela F. Monteira and María Pilar Jiménez Aleixandre was chosen these days like one of the four more notable for the teachers from among the published in the magazines of didactic of sciences in United States in 2016. It is an unique work on how children can … Read more

The Department of Mathematics has organized the XVII Olimpiada Matemática and the XVII Rebumbio Matemático

The Department of Mathematics, in colaboration with AGAPEMA (Asociación Galega de Profesores de Matemáticas ), has organized the past 27th and the 28th of April the XVII Olimpiada Matemática and the XVII Rebumbio Matemático in our Faculty. In this initiative have participated students from two CEIP and IES from Santiago and its surroundings.

The coming Friday 12th of May, at 16:00 pm, will take place the Conference about education and heritage: an interdisciplinar dialogue. It will take place in the Auditorio del Museo de las Peregrinaciones (Prza das Praterías, Santiago de Compostela). The conference is part of the program which is organized by the Dirección Xeral de Patrimonio Cultural, in … Read more

Xavier Castro participates in the proyect ¿Qué comer? (What to eat?)

As a part of the proyect “¿Que comer?” about food, which is taking place on the High School Xulián Magariños in Negreira, in colaboration with the teachers, the historian  Xavier Castro has been invited to talk about “Xantares de frades, fidalgos e burgueses, xaxún dos labradores e discriminación das mulleres”, a look back on the history of the … Read more